Scene Classification

Placeholder for introduction text.

This is placeholder content for the Hardware Tab.

Aenean tristique justo in ligula egestas, eu posuere sem finibus. Nullam volutpat feugiat aliquet. Vestibulum condimentum risus risus, nec finibus sapien volutpat sed. Duis laoreet fermentum sapien id faucibus. Proin libero magna, aliquam ac sodales at, congue et erat. Proin iaculis et nisi vel posuere. Praesent ut ipsum sed ligula molestie mollis. Ut varius ex vel nisi commodo imperdiet. Aenean accumsan mauris at magna vehicula, in rhoncus elit fermentum. Duis nec dolor sit amet sem sodales pulvinar vitae nec arcu. Sed dictum efficitur eros nec vestibulum. Pellentesque a ante id quam dapibus eleifend a eget ante.

Example Group

  • Example File
    This is a placeholder description
  • Second example file
    This is a placeholder description.

Get a headstart with the T1 Evaluation Kit (EVK)

The T1 EVK is the quickest way to get started with developing applications for the T1 silicon. The EVK incorporates a comprehensive development board that facilitates full end-to-end application development using the T1's heterogeneous processing capabilities, with extensive support for profiling performance and power dissipation in hardware. Use the Talamo SDK to generate application software for the T1, or use one our off-the-shelf applications. The EVK integrates a range of standard interfaces supported by commonly used sensors including microphones, radars, inertial measurement units, and image sensors, among others.

Get Started »